Tips For A Smooth Start In Your New Home

When you move into a new home, it often takes a little bit of time before you feel like the new place is truly a home for you and your family. Moving can be a stressful time; it’s a major balancing act between packing, working with your lender to make sure they have all the documents needed to close, timing move-in day with your closing, taking care of utilities, mail forwarding…I can go on and on.  There are some things you can do to make the transition smoother and to speed up the time it takes to make you feel truly at home in the space. 


Start With A Smooth Move

It’s a good idea to first of all start by ensuring your actual move into your new home is as straightforward as it can be. Use a reputable and reliable moving company like Two Men And A Truck and ensure the packing process makes sense and makes your life easier at the other end in your new home. There are many benefits to hiring professionals; it reduces stress levels knowing someone else will be doing the heavy lifting (quite literally)!

Bring In Familiar And Important Items ASAP

Pack the items you will need immediately in a separate box and label accordingly. This way, you won’t have to search for pots and pans, knives, or even your cleaning supplies on your first day at your new home. If you organize ahead of time, you won’t have to unpack all the kitchen boxes just to cook a few things. If you have children, make sure the favorite items from their room is easily accessible.

Designate An Escape from the Chaos

It takes a while for your new space to feel like home but unpacking and finish unpacking one common area will allow you to have an escape from the chaos. Moving into a new home is chaotic so having one room that is finished where everyone can enjoy and relax between unpacking sessions is crucial, it may even save your sanity.

Make It Smell Nice

One of our most powerful senses is the sense of smell and has a huge psychological impact on us. One of the things you can do the make your home comfortable is to bring in soothing scents that you love to help your mood and ease anxiety.  Burn some candles or put some wax melts on a warmer; you can go for classic vanilla, soothing eucalyptus, or fun food scents like cinnamon rolls. 

Start Creating Memories

The transition into your new home is the start of the memories you create. Make it as smooth and enjoyable as possible by being prepared from the start and putting a few things in place. Home is not about the four walls, it’s about the people in it. Home is where you feel most comfortable, where you experience milestones, where you laugh together, and create amazing memories that will be cherished forever. Memories created at home doesn’t just happen during special occasions, the simplest moments can be the most special.

Angel Piontek