Creating A Smart Relaxation Room

During the pandemic, many households improved their homes to adapt to the new situation. American homeowners have focused in priority on creating an inspiring and productive home office and building an effective and motivating home gym. Both the home office and the home gym are likely to remain long after the pandemic is over. For many households, it’s been the wake-up call people needed to design a purposeful and useful interior. 


But there is one other addition to your home that is missing in a post-pandemic environment. Indeed, the covid-19 crisis has highlighted the need for a soothing and relaxing environment. That is precisely what a relaxation room can do for you. Stress can do a lot of damage to your health. According to the American Institute of Stress, 77% of people experience stress that has consequences on their physical health, while 73% report mental health consequences. Therefore, it makes sense to transform your interior and make room for a smart stress-relief center at home. 

Smart Lamp & Diffuser

You can also incorporate soothing scents to your relaxation space. Try out a smart diffuser and light to create that ambiance you’re after. You can adjust the color of the light to any mood you want to achieve, adjust the strength of the mist, and add in your favorite scents. Smart diffusers are controlled either through the device itself or through an app, some even connect to your favorite voice assistant. A beautifully-designed smart diffuser can transform your room into a place where you’ll want to spend more time!

A clean and cool tank

In New York, the Polar Bear Club organizes a brief swim in the Atlantic on January 1st, but similar events exist all around the world. Cold-water swimmers praise the post-swimming high. Indeed, hydrotherapy has been hugely effective in curing anxiety, stress, and even depression. Yet, not everyone lives by a body of water. While there is the option to build a small tank at the back of your home gym or in an unused nook, you need to take into account the risks of water damage from the DIY process. Making cold water immersion a daily routine requires safe and sturdy equipment that can maintain the water temperature and hygiene. Unfortunately, this takes the standard bathtub off the list. However, it is worth investigating smart tech gear such as this cold tub that includes a programmable thermostat to control the temperature. A cool water tank triggers an immediate stress-response that boosts your mental health. As you learn to cope with the stress of cold water immersion, you also develop your coping skills for everyday life. 

Smart sound system

Music can influence your mood. A lot of psychotherapists have experimented with different music styles and pieces to help relieve extreme panic and anxiety disorders in their patients. We all have a favorite song that makes us want to sing and dance. The effect is almost immediate. Listening to music regulates the mood. It can make you happy, sad, energetic, or help you to fall asleep at night. In your relaxation space, music can be a natural part of the background, such as playing water or rain sounds to set the mood. You can also create a variety of playlists to use for different occasions. That’s where a multi-room audio system that can connect to your Wi-Fi can elevate your household’s harmony. Using smart voice control, you can sit down in the cold tank and listen to your favorite meditation music on Spotify. 

Your very own massage assistant

Over three-quarters of the American population agrees: Stress can disrupt your physical health. It is linked to digestive problems, headaches, cardiovascular disorders, weight problems, tinnitus, etc. The list is unfortunately too long! Stress also stimulates a tensing response from your muscles, causing pain in the neck, shoulders, and back among other areas. You use the relaxation center to soothe your muscles and eliminate tensions. A smart massage chair can make a huge difference as it ensures you can target all your muscles (or most of them) at the same time. The addition of the smart AI system can let your chair respond to voice commands but also manual controls so that you are free to use it as you see fit. 

Lush and healthy indoor plants

Houseplants are more than an aesthetic addition to your home decor. They can visibility reduce stress level. The presence of greenery inside your home helps temper the flight or fight response to stress. Studies have shown that plants can reduce blood pressure and anxiety levels. But while it makes sense to create an indoor garden for your relaxation center, it can also mean a ton of work to maintain them. If you don’t have a green thumb, you can rely on smart plant sensors to keep you posted about their health and needs. Sensors that track humidity, soil nutrition, and temperature can be highly effective. Some also include a programmable watering system, so that you don’t need to worry about it. 

In conclusion, if you are looking for a new home improvement project to enhance your health, creating a home relaxation center can be a fantastic decision for both mental and physical improvements. Many households also use their relaxation center for yoga and meditation activities.