Preparing Your Home For Sale


It’s no secret that moving is one of the most stressful life events that we go through. Picking up your belongings from one house to another isn’t that simple; you have to deal with finances, you may have to switch schools, you have to prepare your home, then you have to pack...oh, and it might be a good time to sort through all your stuff and give away the things you don’t need. Moving is an event that could last for months from start to finish. You have to take this step-by-step so let’s talk about some ways to get you prepared to sell your home.

The best thing you can do is put on your buyer’s hat and walk through your own home just like it’s the very first time. Make plenty of notes about the areas that buyers may notice as a negative point and try to fix them and arrange a real estate inspection to make sure there isn’t anything you have missed. Performing maintenance items and fixing issues that could arise in a buyer’s home inspection will be beneficial in the long run; you can get it out of the way, there will be less negotiation later on, and the buyer will feel good about buying a home that has been cared for well. 


I know it sounds simple but this is pretty important. You need to clean your home before people come to view it properly. Dust areas that you wouldn’t usually think about like on top of the mantle, fan blades, and your kitchen cupboards. When you’ve been living in the same home for a while, it’s easy to miss spots that a prospective buyer will likely see. Thoroughly wash your windows, wipe down baseboards, powerwash exterior areas with mildew, etc. 

In addition to a home inspector, you can also contact a real estate agent ahead of time and they can point out areas that will need to be addressed prior to selling your home.  

Get Rid Of The Clutter 

Clear out the clutter from your home. The key is to get buyers to see how impressive space is, not focus on how messy it is. Get rid of the piles of shoes, and the stacks of mail from the kitchen side, and anything else that looks messy. This is also a good time to go through your closets and organize them; a jam packed closet is a sign that there’s not enough storage in the home.   


Repaint The Walls 

Inspect the conditions of your walls, it’s easy to overlook scuff marks here and there when you’ve lived with it for so long. Spots like kitchens, hallways, and bathroom walls can get pretty dirty so if it can’t be cleaned, consider repainting those areas. If you decide to repaint, think about painting the walls in a neutral, relaxing color. As much as you might love your dramatic color scheme, it could be something that puts a lot of buyers off. Repainting your rooms in neutral white or gray tones will allow buyers to focus on the spaces themselves, not the color of the walls.

Reduce Personal Items

While it’s ok to have some personal items, too much can be a bad thing. Imagine a buyer looking at a wall of framed family photos, they’re thinking about how many holes they will have to patch up. Remove things like kids artwork on the fridge, family photos in the hallways, and trinkets cluttering the space.

Think About Smells 

You should pay close attention to smells, avoid cooking foods that linger for a long time. You may not think it smells but a buyer walking through the house for the first time will notice it as soon as they walk in. If you have pets, make sure you deodorize carpets and soft surfaces that can harbor odors. Be sure to clean the cat litter on a regular basis. Think about lighting a candle that has a fresh scent or odor removing sprays like Febreeze. 

Angel Piontek